الجمعة، 2 يناير 2009

Bilal Khbeiz: Eye on Cairo the Destination Ramallah

Changing the Capital of Negotation

Did Sayed Hassan Nasrallah or Khaled Mashaal consult the Syrian president Bashar Al-Assad or the Iranian president Mahmud Ahmadinejad before he called the Egyptian officers of storming into the Rafah crossing point and opening the borders to supply the Islamic resistance movement “Hamas” with equipment and supplies?There are two possibilities: either the “Sayed” didn’t mean what he said literally or he doesn’t know what might happen if the Egyptian army answers his calls.Let us assume that what Sayed Nasrallah said is true literally and that the Egyptian army “as we know” with its leadership, officers and soldiers intends to storm into the crossing point with his tanks and air force opening war on Israel to support the Palestinian people against the Israeli barbarian attack. Does he believe that if such a scenario takes place, the matters will remain settled for a joint Syrian- Iranian leadership and the media spokesman of Israel’s deifiers will remain settled in Qatar and don’t without moving to Cairo?It is Egypt, gentlemen! When it fights it won’t definitely be under the banner of “Hamas” and “Hezbollah” and Syria is certainly not capable of competing with Egypt on the leadership if it decides to follow the Syrian track.There might be someone who says that Egypt’s significance and weight qualify it to lead the Arabs; so if the resistance advocates are true in their calls to the extent that they agree to sacrifice leader ship, then let Egypt enter the fight and let them be its soldiers who follow its orders.But the matter is not that easy and simple as that. Neither Khaled Mashaal, nor Hamas leaders reject the principle of negotiating with the Israeli enemy. The Syrians are not deploying their army tanks on the Golan front and the Iranians don’t have the intention to launch long- range missiles at Israel. What Khaled Mashaal wants is to change the capital of negotiations because it seems that the Syrian leadership liked the negotiations so much and moved from indirect negotiations to direct negotiations. Khaled Mashaal wants the negotiations to move from Cairo to Damascus or even Tehran if possible; and it seems that Sayed Hasan Nasralla wants the same thing too. This is the primary demand! What about Hamas and Hezbollah other demands?If this demand doesn’t justify the rush in declaring the “Hezbollahian” war against Egypt, yet it cannot be answered without such a declaration. If Egypt forsakes its role in sponsoring the negotiations between Gaza and Tel Aviv, it won’t lose its strength, glow and ability to influence the course of negotiations. In fact, the Egyptian silence and refrain from supporting “Hamas” against “Fatah” provokes its leaders to take such positions against the Egyptian state.Let us think, for a while, about the connotations of Hamas’s demand. Will it be capable to guarantee, in the light of the Israeli barbarian aggression, that Gaza Strip doesn’t become empty of its inhabitants? Don’t Hamas leaders remember what happened during July 2006 war? If the Gazans leave Gaza for shelter, then how can the militants withstand, and for whom? The Hamas militants should hamper the people from going out and control the border instead of demanding Egypt of opening it.Everyone knows that the attack on Egypt is based on obvious regional goals, but it is without any doubt, a limited attack. Everyone knows that Egypt cannot be defeated by demonstrations and speeches. They know quite well that these yells and shouts can confuse Egypt for a short period of time, and this is what they want to engulf “Fatah” movement in the West Bank and catches it red handed in negotiating directly with Israel in order to overthrow it. In this case, all Palestinian factions will be no more qualified to negotiate which enables the Syrian negotiator to clutch the Palestinian card. Moreover, he might repeat a scenario similar to May 7 incidents under the pretext that overthrowing Egypt’s supporters in Lebanon became a priority. Since the resistance is not capable of undertaking a coup in Egypt, it can at least expel it from Lebanon which means that that the coup d'état that Hezbollah and Hamas is talking about, will not take place in Cairo but in Ramallah and may be in Beirut.

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كيف مات الشارع

انقضى الليل , اقتلع النهارعقرب الساعة الكبير وهبط من ساعة الحائط , أراد للوقت أن يبقى كسراتٍ صغيرة تدور و تدور دون أن ترتطم بعتبة. مشى في الشارع متجهاً نحو المقهى حيث كان الرجل وحيداً يحتسي ما تبقى من تفل بارد و ما ان تلاقت العيون حتى أغمد العقرب في صدره وجلس ينتظر ....لم يأتِ الليل .